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Tackling Motherhood + Beyond

Sabrina Dominique 


Well January is proving to be cold here in North Carolina! This is our first winter here and it's a BIG change from the warm winters of Southern Florida, but nonetheless we are enjoying the change in seasons and finding joy in it! Today was too cold for us to venture outside to explore a local park or nature center, so instead the girls and I decided to have a little fun in the kitchen and create our own "Dirt Cups"! 

Did you ever make these fun (not to mention easy) desserts as a kid?

I love to bake with my girls, it's fun and interactive, but also teaches a lot of lessons all rolled into an edible ending! They enjoy mixing, stirring and adding all the ingredients and I enjoy watching them use their reading and math skills to whip up a tasty dessert. Really, it's a win-win situation. 

 Here is what we used to make our Dirt Cup creations! 

1 Package Jello Chocolate Pudding Mix

1 Package Jello Vanilla Pudding Mix

1 Package Oreos (extra stuffed!)

1 package Chocolate Chips (Optional)

Gummy Worms 

Constructing this dessert is easy and with a little prep work you can stand by while the kids go to town on making their own! We choose to make our pudding the traditional way (cold milk, stir, let stand for 5 minutes) but if you're looking to make it even easier use the pudding cups. After we made both the vanilla and chocolate pudding, I placed them in the fridge to chill and set, while that was happening, I took about 10 Oreos put them in a plastic Ziploc bag and used a rolling pin to crush them up. Then I let the kids go to town! Each of them took turns hitting the Oreos with a wooden spoon and boy did they feel accomplished afterwards! Just make sure to use a secure bag so Oreo crumbs aren't flying all over the place. 

I placed the now Oreo crumbs or "Dirt" in a bowl and set aside. Next up was opening the gummy worms - and testing out a few to make sure they were still good! I grabbed the two bowls of pudding out of the fridge and now we were ready to put all the pieces together.

Let's Assembly 

(We used Clear Plastic Cups)

1. Add layer of chocolate pudding

2. Add layer of crushed Oreos

* We added mini chocolate chips also*

3. Add another layer of pudding 

*We added our vanilla layer next *

4. Add another layer of crushed Oreos

5. Add gummy worms

6. Top with whip cream

7. Enjoy!

  I hope this fun and easy winter day activity / delicious treat helps get you and your kids whipping up some creations and spending some fun quality time in the kitchen together!  

Remember it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be FUN!


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